Can you get disability benefits for mental health problems in Missouri?
There isn’t a competent medical doctor on the planet that won’t tell a patient that mental health is not every bit as important as physical health. A person with severe mental health problems can be every bit as unable to work as a person with a permanent bodily injury. So, can you get disability benefits for mental health problems in Missouri? The Social Security Administration does recognize psychological disorders can require disability payments, but the process to obtain benefits can be long, frustrating, and exceedingly difficult to navigate. An experienced disability lawyer will guide a person through the program’s challenges and get their clients an acceptable outcome. Let’s take a look at a few things you might need to know.
How is disability defined by the State of Missouri?
A person must have worked long enough to be covered by SSDI benefits, and they must pass an exam or evaluation by the SSA. Disability benefits are paid out by the Social Security Administration, a federal program. States define a disability using the same standards set by the Social Security legislation and the SSA’s rules. For example, a qualifying disability (mental or physical) is defined as:
- Inability to engage in Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)
- Condition is likely to result in death or occur consistently for 12 months
- SGA means the ability to earn more than $1,180
How do I successfully file a mental health disability claim?
The field of mental health is broad and deep. Many mental health conditions will allow a person to qualify for Social Security benefits. For example, depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorders can qualify a person for financial help if the conditions meet specific standards. Any disability claim will require several dozen pages of documents to be filed at specific times. Missing a deadline can mean that a claim will have to start from the beginning of the arduous process. Additionally, independent examinations from qualifying medical professionals will need to provide extensive reports as well. Testimony from close friends and family may also be beneficial.
Are lawyers provided for SSDI hearings?
Criminal courts are the only American legal process that provides attorneys to people who need them. However, Social Security claims are handled through the administrative law system, meaning any representation will need to be paid out of pocket by the person making a claim. The National Alliance on Mental Health reports that an attorney taking on a disability claim case can only charge up to 25 percent of the benefits collected, up to $6,000 – whichever is the lesser amount.
Social Security claims guided through the process by an experienced disability lawyer have a demonstrated higher success rate. Make an appointment with an experienced disability attorney today.
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